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№1(13) 2019
Весь выпуск
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Ключевые слова: аккредитованная лаборатория, физические факторы, окружающая среда, средства измерения, методики выполнения измерений, межлабораторные сличительные испытания.
The article presents the first results of the work of the accredited scientific laboratory of Labour Conditions Hygienic Monitoring of the Institute of Occupational Health and Industrial Ecology of ASMU on carrying out the measurements of environment physical factors. Particular attention is paid to the experience of introduction of original approaches in the study of physical and radiation factors of the environment, which allows to adapt generally accepted methods to the conditions of the environment and obtain reliable and objective results, as evidenced by interlaboratory comparative tests organized by an accredited provider.
Keywords: accredited laboratory, physical factors, environment, measurement means, measurement procedures, interlaboratory comparative tests.
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Ключевые слова: антисептика, перевязочный материал, микроэлементы, анализ.
The research focuses on preclinical studies of new antiseptic surgical bandaging material with a high absorption capacity based on plant raw material — sphagnum. In folk medicine, sphagnum is known as good antiseptic material. Partisans used it particularly actively in marshy forests of Belarus saving the wounded from death during the Great Patriotic War. Despite the fame in folk medicine, until now there is no industrial production of bandaging material on its basis. The possibility of practical solution of the issue of import substitution of bandaging materials with the help of this study confirms its significance. Besides, in literature, there is virtually no information on physical and chemical characteristics of sphagnum and reasons for its antiseptic properties. In this study, the composition of compounds giving antiseptic properties to sphagnum was investigated with the use of modern instrumental methods. The content of trace elements in the sphagnum composition was determined. A prototype of bandaging material was made, its ability to show antiseptic properties towards trace elements and fungi of Staphylococcus aureus, Actinomyces sp, Candida spp., E.Сoli and Bacillus сereus was assessed. The conducted studies showed the fundamental possibility of creating new surgical bandaging materials on the basis of sphagnum with better performance characteristics in comparison with cotton-gauze bandaging materials.
Keywords: antiseptics, bandaging material, trace elements, analysis.
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Ключевые слова: физическое развитие, факторы риска, дети и подростки, акселерация, децелерация, алиментарный статус, ожирение, питание.
The data of research literature in Russian and English in electronic search systems eLIBRARY, PubMed, international databases Scopus, Web of Science for the period of 2005–2018 are summarized and analyzed concerning the state of physical development of children and adolescents, its determinants and assessment methods in the current context. The following is presented: the age and sex standards of the physical development of children and adolescents should be regional; dependence of physical development indicators on environmental and socio-economic factors affecting the territory of residence; the need for continuous monitoring of the physical development of children and adolescents with a recheck of regional standards taking into account the ongoing processes of acceleration and deceleration.
Keywords: physical development, risk factors, children and adolescents, acceleration, deceleration, nutritional status, obesity, nutrition.
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Эксперименты проведены на 24 самцах крыс стока Вистар, разделенных поровну на 2 группы: контрольная (6 недель моделирования оксалатного нефролитиаза) и подопытная (6 недель моделирования оксалатного нефролитиаза + введение пептидного комплекса из тканей свиных почек в дозе 15 мг). Выявление ядрышковых организаторов осуществлялось модифицированным методом Y. Daskal.
Эксперименты показали, что при применении пептидного комплекса из тканей свиных почек отмечалось усиление биосинтетических процессов в нефроцитах, т.к. наблюдалось увеличение морфофункциональной активности ядрышковых организаторов клеток почки по сравнению с контролем. Повышение активности ядрышкового аппарата клеток проявлялось как увеличением числа ядрышек и числа гранул серебра (фибриллярных центров) в них, так и увеличением содержания клеток с большим количеством фибриллярных центров на 1 ядро.
Ключевые слова: пептидный комплекс из тканей свиных почек, нефролитиаз, ядрышковые организаторы.
The aim of the present research is to study the influence of the peptide complex of pig kidneys tissue on the morphofunctional activity of nucleolar organizers of nephrocytes under experimental oxalate nephrolithiasis.
Experiments were conducted on 24 male Wistar rats which were divided into 2 groups: a control group (6 weeks of oxalate nephrolithiasis modeling) and a test group (6 weeks of oxalate nephrolithiasis modeling + injecting the peptide complex at a dose of 15 mg). Detecting of nucleolar organizers was carried out with a modified Y. Daskal’s method.
Studies revealed that with the use of the peptide complex of pig kidneys tissue an enchancement of biosynthetic processes in nephrocytes could be noticed, as an increase in morphofunctional activity of nucleolar organizers of kidney cells could be observed in comparison with a control group. An increase in activity of nucleolar cell apparatus appeared both in their increase of number of nucleoli and number of silver granules (core structures) and the increase of cell count with a large number of core structures for one nucleus.
Keywords: peptide complex of pig kidneys tissue, nephrolithiasis, nucleolar organizers.
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Материалы и методы. Исследованы 83 препарата рака почки. Экспрессия нуклеофозмина/23 выявлялась иммуногистохимическим методом, выраженность экспрессии оценивали путем вычисления интегральной оптической плотности субстрата в ядрышках клеток.
Результаты. Показано, что интегральная оптическая плотность нуклеофозмина/B23 в опухолевых клетках была взаимосвязана с рядом важных прогностических факторов: стадий заболевания по TNM, размером опухолевого узла, степенью ядерной атипии по Fuhrman, наличием метастазов и 5-летней послеоперационной выживаемостью больных.
Выводы. Исследование интегральной оптической плотности нуклеофозмина/B23 может служить дополнительным фактором прогноза при светлоклеточном раке почки.
Ключевые слова: светлоклеточный рак почки, нуклеофозмин/B23, прогноз.
Research objective. To study the nucleophosmin/B23 oncoprotein expression in cells of the clear-celled renal tumor depending on clinical and morphological parameters and postoperative survival of patients.
Materials and methods. 83 kidney cancer drugs were studied. Nucleophosmin/B23 expression was revealed by immunohistochemical method, the expression severity was assessed by calculating the integral optical density of the substrate in the cell nuclei.
Results. It is shown that the integral optical density of nucleophosmin/B23 in tumor cells was connected with a number of important prognostic factors: stages of the disease by TNM, the size of the tumor node, the degree of nuclear atypia by Fuhrman, the presence of metastases, and 5 year postoperative survival of patients.
Conclusions. The study of the integral optical density of nucleophosmin/B23 can serve as an additional prognosis factor in clear-celled renal tumor.
Keywords: clear-celled renal tumor, nucleophosmin/B23, prognosis.
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Ключевые слова: комплексное растительное лекарственное средство, экспериментальный гепатит, гипокоагуляция, гепатопротекторный эффект.
The aim of the study is to determine the hemostasis disorders in acute experimental toxic hepatitis caused by the introduction of D-Galactosamine hydrochloride in white rats and the possibility of correction with the help of the use of a new complex herbal product. The composition of the analysed phytoextract included Hypecoum erectus L. (hypecoum straight), Hedysarum dauricum (Daur sweetvetch), Glycyrhhiza uralensis Fischer (Ural licorice), Calendula officinalis (pot marigold) and Scutellaria baicalensis (Baikal skullcap). The use of phytoextract contributed to the correction of the functional state of the liver and hypocoagulation manifestations.
Keywords: complex herbal medicine, experimental hepatitis, hypocoagulation, hepatoprotective effect.
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Ключевые слова: изотретиноин в форме LIDOSE, акне, ультразвуковое сканирование, себуметрия, корнеометрия.
In this study, we assessed the changes in facial skin morphometric indicators in the case of moderate acne against the background of systemic LIDOSE form isotretinoin therapy in 30 patients being administered isotretinoin in the LIDOSE form at the dose of 0.6–0.8 mg/kg a day until the achievement of the total course drug dose – 100–120 mg/kg of body weight. The control group consisted of 30 practically healthy people. The study showed good efficiency and tolerability of the therapy, in the course of treatment, there was a reliable positive dynamics of objective changes in skin morphometric indicators. The morphometric study carried out in dynamics reflected the positive impact of isotretinoin in the LIDOSE form on pathogenetic mechanisms of moderate acne.
Keywords: isotretinoin in the LIDOSE form, acne, ultrasonic scanning, sebumetry, corneometry.
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Ключевые слова: артериальная гипертензия, острофазовые показатели.
The article describes the results of the research of 54 patients aged from 34 to 86 years having essential arterial hypertension. The results obtained reveal the increase of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 in such patients. High frequency of revealing of abovementioned acute phase indices is noted as well, which may be of prognostic importance concerning the development and course of cardiovascular pathologies.
Keywords: arterial hypertension, acute phase indices.
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Материалы и методы. Проведен анализ клинико-функциональных нарушений у 319 больных, из них у 97 из них диагностирована хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких (ХОБЛ) (I группа), у 118 больных – сочетание ХОБЛ с артериальной гипертензией (АГ), у 104 больных – АГ (III группа).
Результаты. Установлено, что у больных ХОБЛ наиболее часто выявляемым заболеванием пищеварительной системы является хронический гастрит (до 78,2% больных), при этом гастроэнтерологические жалобы мало выражены. Инфицированность Нр составила от 67,6% (у пациентов II группы) до 83,8% (у пациентов I группы). По данным морфологического исследования, при наличии сочетанной патологии количество больных с признаками атрофии увеличивается, наблюдается расстройство микроциркуляции в слизистой желудка.
Заключение. Высокая частота сопутствующей патологии пищеварительной системы ведет к взаимному отягощению заболеваний, требует у больных ХОБЛ проведения дополнительного обследования и обязательной медикаментозной коррекции.
Ключевые слова: патология пищеварительной системы, хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких, артериальная гипертензия.
Research objective. To study the frequency and features of clinical implications of concomitant diseases of the digestive organs in patients with COPD, including the cases when combined with arterial hypertension.
Materials and methods. Clinical and functional disorders were analysed in 319 patients, among them, 97 were diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (I group), 118 patients had the combination of COPD with arterial hypertension (AH) (II group), 104 patients had AH (III group).
Results. It was found that chronic gastritis is the most frequently detected digestive system disease in patients with COPD (up to 78.2% of patients), however, gastroenterological complaints are hardly expressed. HP infection ranged from 67.6% (in patients of the II group) to 83.8% (in patients of the I group). According to the morphological study, in the presence of a combined pathology, the number of patients with signs of atrophy increases, the microcirculation disorder in gastric mucosa can be observed.
Conclusion. High frequency of a concomitant digestive system pathology leads to mutual burdening of diseases, requires additional examination and obligatory medication correction in patients with COPD.
Keywords: digestive system pathology, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, arterial hypertension.
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Ключевые слова: хронический простатит, ДГПЖ, дифференцированное физиолечение, оптимизация.
A method of complex treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis with concomitant benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has been developed depending on the degree of prostate hyperplasia, severity of inappropriate urination, predominance of obstructive or irritative symptoms. Treatment complexes included the differentiated use of combined physiotherapeutic factors: low-energy light-magnetotherapy, magneto-pelotherapy (or micro-enemas of mineral water in combination with magnetotherapy), electrostimulation (or ultrasonic therapy), iodine-bromine baths. The use of optimized methods of physiotherapeutic impact combined with medicinal treatment in chronic prostatitis in combination with BPH allowed to expand the indications for its prescription, increased efficiency, provided a good profile of therapy tolerance, increased the period of remission, and did not cause the progression of prostate hyperplasia, symptoms of the lower urinary tract and risk of acute urination delay.
Keywords: chronic prostatitis, BPH, differentiated physiotherapy, optimization.
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Ключевые слова: гемофилия, гепатит С, гепатит В, цирроз печени.
Clinical and laboratory examination of 80 patients with hemophilia aged 16-59 living in the Altai Krai was carried out. From childhood, all patients have repeatedly received cryoprecipitate or fresh frozen plasma. In 50 of 80 patients with hemophilia (62.5%), chronic viral hepatitis (CVH) was diagnosed: CVH B and C in 1 patient (2%), CVH B in 2 (4%) and CVH C in 47 patients (94%). The mean age of patients with hemophilia and CVH is 38.4 (22–59 years). All patients have no data on the prior acute hepatitis B or C. In 30%, we noted an increase of ALT (in 30%), AST (in 20.4%), GGT (in 26.6%), ALP (in 13.3%). The obtained biochemical data indicate the presence of a minimal degree of activity of chronic hepatitis.
Keywords: hemophilia, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis.
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Ключевые слова: проксимальный и дистальный тромбоз глубоких вен нижних конечностей, острый период, течение венозного тромбоза, D-димеры, С-реактивный белок, воспаление.
The article concentrates on the evaluation of the course and progression of deep vein thrombosis of lower limbs (DVT of lower limbs) in the acute phase, taking into account the dynamics of clinical and laboratory blood values against a background of anticoagulant therapy. It also studies the odds ratios of development of proximal and distal DVT of lower limbs depending on the contents of the markers of coagulation hemostasis and inflammation – D-dimers and C-reactive protein (CRP).
Key words: proximal and distal deep vein thrombosis of lower limbs, acute phase, course of venous thrombosis, D-dimers, C-reactive protein, inflammation.
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Ключевые слова: внебольничная пневмония, ВИЧ-инфекция, потребители инъекционных наркотиков.
Community-acquired pneumonia is one of the causes of respiratory diseases in HIV-infected patients, especially in injecting drug users. To assess the studies of clinical implications of community-acquired pneumonia in patients being the injecting drug users, 69 cases of diseases were analysed in retrospect. Reliable differences in complaints of patients, general blood analysis and X-ray changes in pulmonary tissue in patients being injecting drug users were revealed.
Key words: community-acquired pneumonia, HIV infection, injecting drug users.
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Материалы и методы. Обследованы 42 больных тяжелой пневмонией, сепсисом, хроническим гломерулонефритом и нефропатией в возрасте от 17 до 77 лет. Среди них были 18 пациентов, которые получали гемодиализ. Уровень пресепсина определяли количественно на иммунохемилюминесцентном анализаторе Pathfast (Mitsubishi Chemical Medience Corporation, Япония).
Результаты. Уровень пресепсина при тяжелой пневмонии у больных на гемодиализе составил 4431,2±2448,41 пг/мл. Уровень пресепсина при пневмогенном сепсисе у больных, получающих гемодиализ, был 7256,1±1547,14 пг/мл. У больных хроническим гломерулонефритом, нефропатиями на гемодиализе пресепсин был 2204,0±240,75 пг/мл. Уровни пресепсина у больных тяжелой пневмонией, пневмогенным сепсисом и у больных хроническим гломерулонефритом, нефропатией, которые получали гемодиализ, не различались. Пресепсин у больных пневмогенным сепсисом, которым проводили гемодиализ, был выше, чем у больных хроническим гломерулонефритом и нефропатией, получающих гемодиализ.
Заключение. Высокий уровень пресепсина отражает активность инфекционного процесса и/или влияние гемодиализа. Следует рассматривать возможную недооценку развития тяжелой пневмонии, сепсиса у больных на гемодиализе. Пневмогенный сепсис у больных, получающих гемодиализ, можно предполагать при трехкратном повышении уровня пресепсина по сравнению с исходным.
Ключевые слова: пресепсин, пневмония, сепсис, гемодиализ.
The research objective is to study presepsin as an inflammation marker to improve diagnosis of severe pneumonia and sepsis in patients on hemodialysis.
Materials and methods. 42 patients with severe pneumonia, sepsis, chronic glomerulonephritis and nephropathy aged from 17 to 77 years were examined. Among them, 18 patients received hemodialysis. Presepsin level was quantified on immunochemiluminiscent analyzer Pathfast (Mitsubishi Chemical Medience Corporation, Japan).
Results. Рresepsin level in hemodialysis patients with severe pneumonia was 4431.2±2448.41 pg/ml. In hemodialysis patients with pneumogenic sepsis, рresepsin was 7256.1±1547.14 pg/ml. Рresepsin in hemodialysis patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and nephropathy was 2204.0±240.75 pg/ml. There was no difference between the presepsin level in patients with severe pneumonia, pneumogenic sepsis and hemodialysis patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and nephropathy. Presepsin in hemodialysis patients with pneumogenic sepsis was higher than in hemodialysis patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and nephropathy.
Conclusion. High presepsin level is an indication of an active infection process and/or an effect of hemodialysis. Possible underestimation of the progression of severe pneumonia and sepsis in hemodialysis patients should be taken into account. Pneumogenic sepsis in hemodialysis patient may be considered if presepsin level is three times higher than the original one.
Keywords: presepsin, pneumonia, sepsis, hemodialysis.