Rules for Authors
The editorial board invites scientists, graduate students, research assistants and other specialists to cooperate and offers the possibility of publishing scientific articles on the pages of the journal.
The journal publishes articles and reviews of leading experts on healthcare problems, materials of original research in the field of experimental and clinical medicine, descriptions of clinical cases, scientific reviews and discussions, contributes to the growth of the scientific potential and professionalism of the medical community. To ensure the high quality of scientific articles of the journal, the author’s manuscripts undergo a mandatory review procedure before publication.
The content of scientific works published in the journal “Bulletin of Medical Science” should correspond to four groups of specialties of scientists (14.00.00 Medical sciences):
14.01.00 Clinical medicine;
14.02.00 Preventive medicine;
14.03.00 Biomedical sciences.
Uniform requirements for manuscripts were developed on the basis of recommendations of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as guidelines prepared under the editorship of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers; (Guidelines for the preparation and design of scientific articles in journals indexed in international scientometric databases/Association of scientific editors and publishers; edited by O.V. Kirillova. M, 2017. 144p. and Brief recommendations on the preparation and design of scientific articles in journals indexed in international scientometric databases / edited by O.V. Kirillova. M., 2017. 11p.) and “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication” stated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (The official version of the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals is available at
1. The article must be followed by official referral of the organization where the work has been done, expert report and scientific supervisor’s signature.
2. The article must be published on white paper sheets, A-4 size, on one side of the paper sheet, field width – 2,5-3 cm. 2 copies of the article should be sent to the editorial office.
3. Write initials and surnames of all the authors, the title of the article, the organization where the article has been written at the top of the first page. The signatures of all the authors are required at the end of the article. On a separate page there must be written full names of all authors of the article, and also the address, contact numbers, E-mail of one of the authors for the contact with editorial staff.
4. Article length – 12-18 thousand spaced characters. The number of pictures and tables in accordance with article length. The data presented in the tables must not duplicate the data of the figures and the text, and vice versa.
5. The article must include an abstract in the Russian and English languages. Each of them must be typed on a separate page. Abstract length – 0,5 of a page. At the beginning of an abstract there should be initials and surnames of all the authors and the title of the article. As a new paragraph write 3-5 key words at the end of an abstract.
6. The article must be well-edited by the author. The content of the article must be easy to understand, without long introductions and repetitions. International System of Units (SI) must be used. If you used the apparatus with other units, then all of them must be converted into SI system. Conversion factor or computer program used for the conversion must be mentioned in the section “Materials and methods”.
7. Only generally accepted abbreviations are allowed. Firstly, the term must be fully mentioned, then abbreviated. Use only capital letters in abbreviations.
8. Special terms should be given in Russian transcription. Chemical formulas and doses are visaed by the author. Mathematic formulas must be prepared specialized mathematical computer programs or formula editors of “Equation” type.
9. The pictures must be clear, photos – contrasting. On the back of each illustration write the first and the last name of the first author, first two words from the title of the article, the number of the picture; mark the up and down of the picture by the words “up” and “down” in appropriate places. All this information must be written with an ordinary pencil without pressing. Picture captions must be given on a separate page together with the author’s surname and the title of the article, the number of the picture, with the explanation of the meaning of all curved lines, letters, numbers and other symbolic representations.
10.The tables must be demonstrable, have the title, sequence number; the headings must be relevant to the content of columns. Each table should have a reference in the article.
11. The article with original research should have the following parts: 1. “Introduction”, 2 “The Purpose of the Research”, 3. “Materials and Methods”; 4 “Results”; 5. “Discussion”, 6. “Conclusion”. In the part “Materials and Methods” there should be given a detailed description of the methodology of the research, the equipment used in the research, the number and characteristics of patients. The principle for the dividing of patients into groups and the design of the research must be compulsory given. This part must contain comprehensive information for further reference to these results by other scientists, for comparing with the results of analogous works and for the possibility of including the data of the article into meta-analysis. At the end of the part “Materials and Methods” there should be a smaller part “Data Processing” . The full list of all used statistical methods of analysis and criteria of hypothesis testing must be given. It is not allowed to write “standard statistical methods were used” without their specific indications. It is compulsory to mention the accepted in the research the critical level of significance “p” (e.g. “The critical level of significance in case of statistical hypothesis testing in this research is 0,05”). In each specific case there must be given the actual value of the reached level of significance “p” for the used statistical criterion (not just “p<0,05” or “p>0,05”). Besides, it is necessary to state specific indications of the received statistical criteria (e.g. criterion “Chi-square” = 12,3 (number of degrees of freedom df = 2, p=0,0001). It is compulsory to give the definition for all used statistical terms, abbreviations and symbolic notations (e.g. M – sample mean, m (SEM) – error in mean, STD – sampling standard deviation, p- reached level of significance). In case of combinations like M±m it is necessary to give the meaning of each symbol, and also sample volume (n). If the used statistical criteria have limitations in their usage, specify how these limitations were checked and what the results of these checks are (e.g. in case of using parametric methods it is necessary to show how the normality fact of sample distribution was proved). Avoid non-specific usage of terms which have a few meanings: (e.g. there are a few variants of correlation coefficient: Pearson, Spearman and others). Average quantities should not be given more precisely than for one decimal mark in comparison with base data, mean-square deviation and error in mean – for one more mark precisely.
12. The literature list must be typed on a separate page, each source from the new line with sequence number. The numeration must be done according to the order of citation of the source in the article. The author is responsible for the correctness of the literature list data. The names of foreign authors are given in authentic transcription.
13. The text should be duplicated in the electronic form in WORD (the text is typed without paragraph breaks, hyphenation) and be sent on a CD and (or) by e-mail with the note “For the Bulletin of Medical Science”. Each picture\photo should be sent as a separate .jpeg file, resolution not less than 300 dpi. The tables and diagrams must be sent in EXCEL, the name of the file must be the same as the name of the basic file. The format of the file with the article should be compatible with MS Word.
14. The editorial board reserves the right to edit the sent articles. The reviews on the articles are sent to the authors upon written request.
15. The articles not following the stated requirements are not reviewed, the sent articles are not returned back.