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Материалы и методы. Обследованы 168 пациенток, проходивших оперативное лечение односторонней ЭКЯ на базе АО «Авиценна» группы компаний «Мать и дитя» г. Новосибирска в период с 2018 по 2020 гг. Все пациентки были разделены на 3 группы в зависимости от применявшегося эндоскопического доступа: в группу А вошли 77 женщин, которым операция выполнялась с применением стандартного лапароскопического доступа, группу Б составили 45 пациенток, где использовался единый лапароскопический доступ (ЕЛД, через пупочное кольцо), группу В представляли 46 женщин, которым применялся метод NOTES (трансвагинальный доступ). Пациенток каждой из групп в зависимости от распространенности спаечного процесса разделили на три подгруппы: 1 – без спаечного процесса, 2 – с выраженностью спаечного процесса до 1-2 степени, 3 – со спаечным процессом 3-4 степени. Лапароскопическая эксцизия ЭКЯ проводилась на 6–12 день менструального цикла под эндотрахеальным наркозом в режиме биполярной коагуляции с помощью эндовидеохирургического оборудования ENDOVISION TRICAM PDD (Karl Storz, Германия).
Результаты. При проведении оперативного вмешательства у пациенток групп Б и В с выраженностью спаечного процесса 3-4 степени в 80–90% случаев возникала необходимость конверсии на стандартную лапароскопию. В группе В1 (NOTES, без спаечного процесса в малом тазу) отмечен самый короткий период реабилитации – болевой синдром купировался в течение 6 часов после операции в силу минимальной инвазивности оперативного доступа, а также отмечен самый высокий косметический эффект ввиду отсутствия послеоперационной раны на передней брюшной стенке. При цистэктомии из ЕЛД (группа Б) пациенты имели самый высокий уровень болевых ощущений, обусловленный диаметром пупочной раны.
Заключение. Применение малоинвазивного доступа к оперативному вмешательству весьма заманчиво с точки зрения сокращения сроков реабилитационного периода и лучшего косметического эффекта. Однако имеющиеся эргономические особенности (нарушение принципа триангуляции, непривычные условия тракции и контртракции органов, использование изогнутых и изгибаемых инструментов) влекут за собой увеличение продолжительности операций. Кроме того, выраженный спаечный процесс в малом тазу является фактором, ограничивающим доступ к пораженному органу, а также может явиться причиной ранения соседних органов, что в большинстве случаев является показанием для конверсии на стандартную лапароскопию. Таким образом, результаты данного исследования позволяют рекомендовать применение малоинвазивных методик доступа к эндоскопической эксцизии ЭКЯ (ЕЛД, NOTES) при отсутствии или минимальной выраженности (1-2 ст.) спаечного процесса в малом тазу. При наличии выраженного спаечного процесса (3-4 ст.) целесообразно применение стандартной лапароскопии.
Ключевые слова: эндометриома, эндометриоз, единый доступ, спаечный процесс, лапароскопия, однопортовый доступ, цистэктомия.
Research objective. To compare the results of use of minimally invasive surgical techniques (SPA, NOTES) and standard laparoscopy in surgical treatment of endometrioid ovarian cysts (EOC) taking into account the severity of the adhesive process in the lesser pelvis.
Materials and methods. 168 patients were examined who underwent surgical treatment of unilateral EOC on the basis of AO Avicenna of the group of companies «Mother and Child» in Novosibirsk in the period from 2018 to 2020. All patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the endoscopic access used: Group A included 77 women who had had the operation with the standard laparoscopic access; Group B consisted of 45 patients with single laparoscopic access (SLA, via umbilical ring); Group C was represented by 46 women who had underwent the NOTES method (transvaginal access). Depending on the severity of the adhesive process, patients of each group were divided into three subgroups: 1 – without the adhesive process; 2 – with the severity of the adhesive process up to degree 1-2; 3 – with the adhesive process of degree 3-4. Laparoscopic excision of EOC was performed on day 6–12 of menstrual cycle under endotracheal anesthesia in bipolar coagulation mode with endovideosurgical equipment ENDOVISION TRICAM PDD (Karl Storz, Germany).
Results. When performing surgical intervention in patients of groups B and C with the severity of the adhesive process of degree 3-4, there was a need for conversion to standard laparoscopy in 80–90% of cases. In Group C1 (NOTES, without the adhesive process in the lesser pelvis), the shortest period of rehabilitation was noted: the pain syndrome was stopped within 6 hours after the operation due to the minimally invasive operative access, as well as the highest cosmetic effect was reached due to the absence of a postoperative wound on the anterior abdominal wall. In cystectomy from SLA (group B), patients had the highest level of pain due to the diameter of the umbilical wound.
Conclusion. The use of minimally invasive access to surgical intervention is very tempting from the point of view of shortening the time of the rehabilitation period and better cosmetic effect. However, the available ergonomic features (violation of the principle of triangulation, unusual conditions of traction and countertraction of organs, use of curved and bendable tools) entail an increase in the duration of operations. In addition, the pronounced adhesive process in the lesser pelvis is a factor that restricts access to the affected organ and can also cause injury to neighboring organs, which in most cases is an indication for conversion to standard laparoscopy. Thus, the results of this study allow recommending the use of minimally invasive methods of access to endoscopic excision of EOC (SLA, NOTES) in the absence or minimum severity (st. 1-2) of the adhesive process in the lesser pelvis. In the presence of a pronounced adhesive process (st. 3-4), it is advisable to use standard laparoscopy.
Keywords: endometrioma, endometriosis, single access, adhesive process, laparoscopy, single port access, cystectomy.
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Цель: определить роль сверхгенерации тромбина и гипофибринолиза в неэффективности программ ЭКО и возможности их терапевтической коррекции.
Материалы и методы. Проведено 2 этапа проспективного рандомизированного контролируемого исследования с включением 765 пациенток с трубно-перитонеальным фактором нарушения репродуктивной функции. Все пациентки принадлежали к кавказской расе, возраст составил от 24 до 42 лет. Выполнено динамическое исследование 20 гемостатических параметров, а также тест интегральной оценки системы гемостаза – калиброванная тромбография и определение индекса активирующей фибринолиз способности эндотелия по соотношению (t-PA/PAI-1). В случае диагностики гемостазиологических нарушений применялись надропарин кальция для коррекции сверхгенерации тромбина и перемежающая пневмокомпрессия (ППК) для стимуляции фибринолиза.
Результаты. У пациенток, вступающих в программу ЭКО, нарушения в системе гемостаза определены в 78,8% случаев. При проведении ROC-анализа рассчитаны пороговые показатели генерации тромбина и фибринолитической активности, значимо ассоциированные с риском неудачных попыток циклов ЭКО: ETP >1900 нмоль/мин (OR=27,8, р=0,0001), Peak trombini >360 нмоль/л (OR=22,8; р=0,0001) и значение АФСЭ >11% (OR=11,5; р=0,003).
Коррекция выявленных нарушений по разработанному алгоритму позволила сбалансировать выявленные нарушения в системе гемостаза и фибринолиза и увеличить число наступивших беременностей на 24%. В случае наступления беременности в результате программы ЭКО определено значимое снижение способности к генерации тромбина (по показателю ЕТP на 13,9% (р=0,0041) и по Peak trombini 11,6% (р=0,0038)) и увеличение фибринолитической активности по индексу АФСЭ в 2,1 раза (р=0,0001).
Выводы. У пациенток с нарушением репродуктивной функции, планирующих программу ЭКО, в 78,8% случаев наблюдается гемостатический дисбаланс: сверхгенерация тромбина и/или снижение фибринолитической активности, терапевтическая коррекция которых увеличивает шанс наступления беременности на 24,0% [p=0,0001; NTT:4,35, 95%CI (3,18–6,90)].
Ключевые слова: экстракорпоральное оплодотворение, генерация тромбина, фибринолиз, надропарин кальция, перемежающая пневмокомпрессия.
Urgency. Despite significant improvements in the procedure for in vitro fertilization (IVF) programs, their effectiveness rarely exceeds 35%. In experimental works, thrombin and plasmin have been shown to interact with a wide range of proteins that can alter the physiological processes of implantation and development of the thophoblast.
Objective: to determine the role of thrombin supergeneration and hypofibrinolysis in the ineffectiveness of IVF programs and the possibility of their therapeutic correction.
Materials and methods. Two stages of a prospective randomized controlled study were carried out with the inclusion of 765 patients with the tuboperitoneal factor of reproductive dysfunction. All of the patients belonged to the Caucasian race, ages ranging from 24 to 42 years. We conducted a dynamic study of 20 hemostatic parameters, as well as a test of integral evaluation of the hemostasis system: calibrated thrombography and determination of the index of the fibrinolysis activating endothelial ability (FAEA) by ratio (T-PA/PAI-1). In the case of diagnosis of hemostasiological disorders, nadroparin calcium was used to correct thrombin supergeneration and intermittent pneumocompression (IPC) to stimulate fibrinolysis.
Results. In patients entering the IVF program, disorders in the hemostasis system were determined in 78.8% of cases. The ROC analysis calculated thresholds of thrombin generation and fibrinolytic activity significantly associated with the risk of failed attempts at IVF cycles: ETP >1900 nmol/min (OR=27.8, p=0.0001), Peak trombini >360 nmol/L (OR=22.8; p=0.0001), and FAEA value >11% (OR=11.5; p=0.003).
Correction of detected disorders according to the developed algorithm allowed to balance the detected disorders in the system of hemostasis and fibrinolysis and increase the number of pregnancies by 24%. In case of pregnancy as a result of the IVF program, a significant decrease in the ability to generate thrombin (by the ETP indicator by 13.9% (p=0.0041) and by Peak trombini 11.6% (p=0.0038)) and an increase in the fibrinolytic activity on the FAEA index by 2.1 times (p=0.0001) were determined.
Conclusions. In patients with a reproductive dysfunction planning the IVF program, in 78.8% of cases, there is a hemostatic imbalance: thrombin supergeneration and/or decreased fibrinolytic activity, therapeutic correction of which increases the chance of pregnancy by 24.0% [p=0.0001; NTT:4,35, 95%CI (3.18–6.90)].
Keywords: in vitro fertilization, thrombin generation, fibrinolysis, nadroparin calcium, intermittent pneumocompression.
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Ключевые слова: солечувствительность, артериальная гипертония, высокое нормальное артериальное давление, раннее поражение почек.
The research objective was to study indicators of renal filtration function in salt-sensitive and salt-resistant patients with AH and HNAP. A one stage study was conducted involving 138 patients aged 25–44 years, of which 62 people with high normal arterial pressure (HNAP) and 74 people with untreated first identified arterial hypertension (AH). The threshold of taste sensation to table salt (TTSTS) was determined by the modified R. Henkin technique using a set of original patented test strips. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was calculated by the formula CKD-EPI (Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration) by the level of creatinine, cystatin C. Among patients with HNAP compared to AH, a high threshold of salt sensitivity is found 2.1 times more often, but individuals with an average level are less often: 2.5 times. Hyperfiltration by creatinine is found in patients with HNAP and AH with the same frequency, but a decrease in filtration function for cystatin C is more often detected in patients with AH by 20%. Patients with AH and HNAP with high levels of TTS, unlike people with low to moderate values, are more likely to have signs of early renal damage.
Keywords: salt sensitivity, arterial hypertension, high normal arterial pressure, early kidney damage.
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Ключевые слова: ишемическая болезнь сердца, магнитно-резонансная томография, мультиспиральная компьютерная томография, предтестовая вероятность.
Ischemic heart disease is a disease that occupies a leading position in the mortality structure of the entire population in developed countries. Despite the wide possibilities of using high technology imaging techniques for myocardial ischemia, cardiologists still face difficulties in diagnosing ischemic heart disease. The review presents most of the current current methods of diagnostics of myocardial ischemia, highlights the algorithm of application of certain methods depending on the clinical situation and technological capabilities of the clinic.
Keywords: ischemic heart disease, magnetic resonance imaging, multispiral computed tomography, pre-test probability.
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Ключевые слова: COVID-стресс синдром, мультифакторная модель, полиморфизм симптоматики.
The article presents the structure and clinical description of COVID stress syndrome on the basis of the analysis of foreign literature. The need to consider clinical manifestations of COVID stress syndrome within the framework of a multifactor model with an assessment of the influence of biological and social psychological parameters is indicated. The analysis of 22 clinical cases of patients who have suffered COVID-19 infection carried out on the basis of clinics of the Mental Health Research Institute of TNRMC of the RAS showed the predominance of psychopathological symptoms of mixed character with distinguished asthenic, psychovegetative, anxiety disorders and depressive spectrum disorders. This symptomatology having a complex polymorphic character was characterized by a certain therapeutic resistance, a tendency to a continuous chronic course with possible formation of unfavorable personality dynamics in the future. The necessity of using a comprehensive therapeutic approach in the treatment of patients who have suffered COVID-19 infection is shown.
Keywords: COVID stress syndrome, multifactor model, polymorphism of symptoms.
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Ключевые слова: психологическая реабилитация, шизофрения, агрессивное поведение, личность, ценностно-смысловые образования.
The possibility of using the relationship of value-semantic formations of the lifeworld of patients with schizophrenia and aggressiveness as a rehabilitation potential is discussed. The study involved male patients who were on inpatient compulsory treatment in the department of specialized type of the Altai Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital named after Erdman Yu.K., held a complex of measures on the basis of the developed original psycho-rehabilitation (psycho-corrective) platform using the method of liminal meanings by D.A. Leontiev and biographical training by K.V. Karpinsky, and patients with the same diagnosis who also had committed offenses but were not involved in psychocorrection (control group). To achieve this goal, the method of determining the level of hostility by Buss-Durkee and the test of frustration tolerance by S. Rosenzweig were used. The study was carried out from the position of various theories of aggression. Some aspects of the worldview, the value system in behavior, as well as the peculiarities of aggression in the participants of both groups were analyzed. The effectiveness of the proposed program for patients with schizophrenia was revealed aimed at adaptation in out-of-hospital conditions, reduction of the risk of aggressive behavior, prevention of hospitalization phenomena, transformation of life meanings in the structure of the lifeworld.
Keywords: psychological rehabilitation, schizophrenia, aggressive behaviour, personality, value-semantic formations.
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У 84 студентов 6 курсов Сеченовского университета и Смоленского ГМУ проанализирована эффективность дистанционного обучения на мультимедийном тренажере по педиатрии. Его использование студентами-педиатрами по 10-балльной системе оценки показало большую эффективность освоения практических навыков по обследованию и курации пациентов по сравнению с контрольной группой. В основной группе участники выявили удовлетворенность тренажером, повышение мотивации к обучению и получению практических навыков, приближающиеся к 6–9 баллам. Для контрольной группы анкетированием показаны неизменные низкие результаты. Следовательно, замена традиционного обучения на основе клинической практики альтернативными подходами помогает поддерживать контакт с исследуемым пациентом с меньшим риском во время пандемии COVID-19. В целях повышения эффективности медицинского образования можно прибегнуть к использованию интерактивного симулятора по педиатрии. Педиатрические кейсы по различным тематикам детских заболеваний помогут развить творческие способности и практические навыки будущих педиатров, активизировать стремления студентов-медиков по получению и совершенствованию своих знаний и умений.
Ключевые слова: педиатрия, симулятор, виртуальный пациент, эффективность дистанционного образования, COVID-19.
The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of a multimedia training program on pediatrics in the transition to distance teaching of students.
The efficacy of distance teaching on a multimedia simulator in pediatrics was analyzed in 84 six-year students of the Sechenov University and Smolensk State Medical University. Its use by pediatrician students showed greater efficiency in mastering practical skills in examining and curating patients on a 10-point evaluation scale compared to the control group. In the major group, participants revealed satisfaction with the simulator, increased motivation to learn and obtain practical skills, approaching 6–9 points. For the control group, the questionnaire shows unchanged low results. Consequently, replacing traditional clinical practice-based learning with alternative approaches helps maintain contact with a patient under study with lower risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. An interactive pediatrics simulator can be used to improve the efficacy of medical education. Pediatric cases on various subjects of pediatric diseases will help to develop the creative abilities and practical skills of future pediatricians, enhance the aspirations of medical students to obtain and improve their knowledge and skills.
Keywords: pediatrics, simulator, virtual patient, efficiency of distance education, COVID-19.
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Материалы и методы. Проанализированы пятилетние результаты лечения 180 пациентов с ДОАП (195 стоп), что составило 20,9% от всех пациентов с синдромом диабетической стопы. Мужчин было 96 (53,3%), женщин – 84 (46,7%). Сахарный диабет (СД) 1 типа диагностирован у 52 (28,9%) пациентов, СД 2 типа – 128 (71,1%) пациентов. Двустороннее поражение – 15 (8,3%). При первичном обращении активная стадия артропатии диагностирована в 2/3 случаев, неактивная – в 1/3. Пациенты ранжированы по классификации Техасского университета. ДОАП без трофической язвы (ТЯ) – 121 (62%), с ТЯ – 74 (38%). Инфицированные поверхностные ТЯ были в 20 (10,3%) случаях, а глубокие в 28 (14,4%). Протокол обследования включал клинический осмотр, термометрию стоп, рентгенографию и магнитно-резонансную томографию (МРТ), лабораторные данные, по показаниям выполняли тест на зондирование кости, ультразвуковое дуплексное сканирование.
Результаты. Продолжили регулярное наблюдение 162 пациента, по истечении 1 года наблюдения эпителизация ТЯ достигнута на 145 (89,5%) стопах. В 28 (17,5%) при первичном приеме имелись глубокие инфицированные ТЯ, которые привели к развитию ампутаций. Малые ампутации в пределах стопы выполнены у 4 пациентов (2,5%), высокие ампутации на уровне голени в 2 (1,2%) случаях. За пятилетний период наблюдения рецидивы ТЯ наблюдались у 37 (22,8%) пациентов, за весь анализируемый период течение остеоартропатии осложнилось развитием трофических язв в 54,3% случаев, а развитие остеомиелита на фоне ДОАП отмечено в 24,1% случаев. За весь период наблюдения умер 21 пациент (11,7%). За пятилетний период наблюдения ампутации выполнены у 16 (9,9%), доля высоких ампутаций составила 6,2% (10 случаев), в том числе 4 на уровне бедра.
Заключение. Комплексное специализированное дифференцированное лечение неосложненной ДОАП и ее осложненных форм позволило сохранить конечность в 90,1% случаев.
Ключевые слова: диабетическая остеоартропатия, специализированное лечение, годичные результаты, пятилетние результаты.
The goal was to evaluate the results of a five-year observation of patients with complicated and uncomplicated diabetic osteoarthropathy (DOAP) during the outpatient specialized care phase.
Materials and methods. Five-year results of treatment of 180 patients with DOAP (195 feet) were analyzed, which amounted to 20.9% of all patients with diabetic foot disease. There were 96 men (53.3%) and 84 women (46.7%). Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) was diagnosed in 52 (28.9%) patients, type 2 DM – 128 (71.1%) patients. Double damage was in 15 (8.3%). At primary visit, the active stage of arthropathy was diagnosed in 2/3 of cases, inactive – in 1/3. Patients are ranked according to the University of Texas classification. DOAP without trophic ulcer (TU) amounted to 121 (62%), with TU – 74 (38%). Infected superficial TU were present in 20 (10.3%) cases, and deep in 28 (14.4%). The screening protocol included clinical examination, foot thermometry, radiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), laboratory data; according to indications, there was a bone probing test, ultrasonic duplex scanning.
Results. 162 patients continued regular monitoring; after 1 year of observation, the epithelialization of TU was reached on 145 (89.5%) feet. At the primary visit, there were deep infected TU in 28 (17.5%), which led to the development of amputations. Small amputations within the foot were performed in 4 patients (2.5%), high amputations at the level of the crus in 2 (1.2%) cases. Over the five-year period of observation, the relapse of TU was observed in 37 (22.8%) patients; during the entire period analyzed, the course of osteoarthropathy was complicated by the development of trophic ulcer in 54.3% of cases, and the development of osteomyelitis on the background of DOAP was observed in 24.1% of cases. 21 patients (11.7%) died during the entire period of observation. Over the five-year period of observation, amputations were performed in 16 (9.9%), the proportion of high amputations was 6.2% (10 cases), including 4 at the femur level.
Conclusion. Complex specialized differentiated treatment of uncomplicated DOAP and its complicated forms allowed to preserve the limb in 90.1% of cases.
Keywords: diabetic osteoarthropathy, specialized treatment, annual results, five-year results.
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Ключевые слова: меланома кожи, хирургическое лечение, пластическое замещение дефекта, выживаемость без прогрессирования, общая выживаемость.
The results of surgical treatment of patients with primary skin melanoma (SM) depending on the localization of the primary tumor, the type of incision and the method of suturing of the postoperative defect were analyzed. The need to perform a rounded excision of localized primary tumors of the trunk and ellipsoid one on the limbs, followed by plastic substitution in all cases, has been established. In stage III patients with any tumor localization, the type of incision and suturing of the defect was not of fundamental importance. It is revealed that patients with postoperative defect plastics in tumor localization on the trunk had an advantage over linear suturing in progression-free survival (PFS): with a rounded incision – in all stages during the entire period of observation (12–36–60 months) by 18.8%–23.8%–26.5% (p˂0.050). Patients with localized forms of melanoma from st. 0 to IIc for the entire observation period of 12–36–60 months had the greatest benefit in PFS: with st. 0-IIa by 22.0%–31.8%–32.0%, with st. IIb-IIc by 35.6%–28.5%–34.8%. Patients with ellipsoid incision in st. IIb-IIc in the long run up to 36–60 months of observation had it by 25.7%. In adjusted overall survival (AOS), patients with rounded incision and plastics in the initial stages of the disease 0-IIa up to 36 and 60 months had the benefit by 24.4% and 29.3% respectively, and with ellipsoid incision and plastics in st. 0-IIa in the period of 12–36 months by 24.4%. When the primary tumor is localized on the extremities, the statistical difference of the best indicators in patients with ellipsoid incision and plastics in PFS compared to patients with rounded incision and plastics in the period of 36–60 months was revealed by 18.6% and 26.7% respectively, as well as over patients with conventional incision without plastics as a whole by a subgroup at terms up to 36 and 60 months by 26.4% and 29.4% with a trend of improvement of this indicator in the long term, as well as better AOS in the long term in these patients with a difference of 19.3% (36–60 months of observation).
Keywords: skin melanoma, surgical treatment, plastic defect replacement, progression-free survival, overall survival.
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Материалы и методы. В плацебо-контролируемых исследованиях на кроликах-самцах изучали морфологические последствия применения экзогенного, введенного внутривенно ФМ на моделях с подавлением свертывания крови (нефракционированный гепарин – НГ) или активацией фибринолитических реакций (стрептокиназа). В отдельных сериях экспериментов изучались такие же последствия при дополнительном использовании известных системных гемостатиков: протамина сульфата (ПС) – в случаях гепаринизации, и транексамовой кислоты (ТК) – при введении стрептокиназы.
Результаты и выводы. Выявлены и описаны межгрупповые морфологические отличия в области раневой поверхности печени на моделях кровоточивости, связанных с подавлением свертывания крови гепарином или активацией фибринолиза стрептокиназой. Гепаринизация животных сопровождалась уменьшением толщины тромботических масс в зоне травмы в 4,9 раза, а в случаях применения стрептокиназы – в 1,8 раза, в сравнении с аналогичным показателем в контрольной группе (плацебо). Использование ПС или ТК у животных с фармакологически обусловленным снижением гемостатического потенциала способствовало увеличению толщины тромботических масс в 15,1 и 2,6 раза соответственно. Применение ФМ на аналогичных моделях приводило к увеличению толщины тромботических масс в 4,1 раза (при введении гепарина) и в 9,0 раза – при применении стрептокиназы. Сделано предположение о существовании определенной связи между экзогенно введенным ФМ и дополнительным стимулированием тромбоцитов к участию в остановке локального паренхиматозного кровотечения. Очевидно, что место приложения действия ФМ находится на уровне микроциркуляции в зоне травмы, а не в системном кровотоке.
Ключевые слова: фибрин-мономер, фибрин, кровопотеря, нефракционированный гепарин, протамина сульфат, стрептокиназа, транексамовая кислота, морфология.
Research objective. To compare morphological manifestations at the site of dosed liver injury at the introduction of low dose (0.25 mg/kg) of fibrin-monomer (FM) against the background of coagulation potential reduction associated with application of heparin or streptokinase.
Materials and methods. In placebo-controlled studies on male rabbits, morphological consequences of using exogenous, intravenously administered FM on models with blood clotting suppression (unfractionated heparin – UH) or activation of fibrinolytic reactions (streptokinase) were studied. In separate series of experiments, the same effects were studied with additional use of known systemic hemostatics: protamine sulfate (PS) – in cases of heparinization, and tranexamic acid (TA) – when introducing streptokinase.
Results and conclusions. Intergroup morphological differences in the area of wound surface of the liver on models of bleeding associated with blood clotting suppression with heparin or fibrinolysis activation by streptokinase were revealed and described. Heparinization of animals was accompanied by a decrease in the thickness of thrombotic masses in the injury zone by 4.9 times, and in cases of streptokinase use by 1.8 times compared to the same indicator in the control group (placebo). The use of PS or TA in animals with pharmacologically induced decrease in hemostatic potential contributed to an increase in the thickness of thrombotic masses by 15.1 and 2.6 times respectively. The use of FM on similar models led to an increase in the thickness of thrombotic masses by 4.1 times with the introduction of heparin and 9.0 times with the use of streptokinase. The assumption is made about the existence of a certain connection between exogenously introduced FM and additional stimulation of platelets to participate in the stop of local parenchymatous bleeding. Obviously, the place of application of FM action is at the level of microcirculation in the injury zone, not in the systemic blood flow.
Keywords: fibrin monomer, fibrin, haemorrhage, unfractionated heparin, protamine sulfate, streptokinase, tranexamic acid, morphology.
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Ключевые слова: экспериментальный тромбоз сосудов легких, Тромбовазим, Эноксапарин натрия.
The research objective was to evaluate the results of combined use of anticoagulant and thrombolytic for the prevention of the development of lethal thrombosis of pulmonary vessels. Experimental systemic thrombosis was caused by intravenous administration of thromboplastin and was confirmed morphologically. The effectiveness of antithrombotic action of the Enoxaparin anticoagulant and its combined introduction with the Trombovazim thrombolytic was assessed on the model of systemic thrombosis by the parameters of lethality and morphological picture in pulmonary vessels. The experiment lasted for 11 days. Trombovazim was administered intragastrically at a dose of 0.5 ml (8 IU), Enoxaparin sodium was injected subcutaneously 10 mg/kg/day: 0.2 mg/mouse. There were 3 groups of animals: group 1 – control (15 animals), on the first day of the experiment, 10 mg/kg of thromboplastin was once injected in the tail vein; group 2 – 15 animals, on the first day of the experiment, intragastric introduction of Trombovazim at a dose of 350 U/kg and subcutaneous injection of Enoxaparin at a dose of 10 mg/kg, after 4 hours, 10 mg/kg of thromboplastin was once injected into the tail vein; group 3 – 15 animals, on the first day, subcutaneous injection of Enoxaparin at a dose of 10 mg/kg, after 4 hours, 10 mg/kg of thromboplastin was once injected into the tail vein. Four animals were reported to have died in the control group: three within 30 minutes after the administration and one 24 hours after the introduction of thromboplastin. No mouse deaths were observed in group 2. In group 3, two animals were reported to have died 24 hours after the introduction of thromboplastin. Combined administration of low-molecular-weight heparin and oral thrombolytic prevents death in experimental pulmonary vessel thrombosis.
Keywords: experimental pulmonary vessel thrombosis, Trombovazim, Enoxaparin sodium.
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Материалы и методы. Использовались субстанции трипептида Leu-Ile-Lys и дипептида карнозин (препарат сравнения). Изготавливались их растворы в концентрациях 2, 4 и 8 мг/мл. Определялась общая антиоксидантная (ОАА) и общая прооксидантная активность (ОПА) in vitro. ОАА определяли по способности угнетать Fe2+/аскорбат-индуцированное окисление ТВИН-80. ОПА оценивали по интенсивности окраски продуктов взаимодействия ТВИН-80 с тиобарбитуровой кислотой.
Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что ОАА карнозина последовательно возрастала в 6,9 раза, а ОПА последовательно снижалась в 6,7 раза. ОАА трипептида Leu-Ile-Lys увеличивалась в 2–2,8 раза при сопутствующем увеличении ОПА в 2,3–4,9 раза. Для всех разведений ОАА трипептида статистически значимо уступала уровню карнозина, а ОПА в разведениях 4 и 8 мг/мл статистически значимо превышала уровень карнозина. По-видимому, прямое антиоксидантное действие трипептида Leu-Ile-Lys незначительно и не может объяснить его антилитогенное действие.
Заключение. В сравнении с карнозином трипептид Leu-Ile-Lys обладает незначительным прямым антиоксидантным эффектом.
Ключевые слова: трипептид Leu-Ile-Lys, прямой антиоксидантный эффект, механизм антилитогенного действия.
Tripeptide Leu-Ile-Lys has been found to have a pronounced anti-lithogenic effect, which is presumably membrane trophic in nature. It can probably be due to the direct antioxidant action of the tripeptide. Theoretical calculations of the quantitative relationship between Leu-Ile-Lys structure and activity confirm this possibility. We decided to study the direct antioxidant effect of the tripeptide Leu-Ile-Lys to assess its contribution to the mechanism of anti-lithogenic action. The research objective was to study the effect of the tripeptide Leu-Ile-Lys on total antioxidant status and total prooxidant status under in vitro conditions.
Materials and methods. Tripeptide Leu-Ile-Lys and dipeptide carnosine (comparison drug) substances were used. Their solutions were made in concentrations of 2, 4 and 8 mg/ml. Total antioxidant (TAS) and total prooxidant (TPS) statuses were determined in vitro. TAS was determined by the ability to inhibit FE2+/ascorbate-induced oxidation of Tween-80. TPS was evaluated by the intensity of staining of products of Tween-80 interaction with thiobarbituric acid.
Results and discussion. It was found that carnosine TAS consistently increased by 6.9 times, and TPS consistently decreased by 6.7 times. Tripeptide Leu-Ile-Lys TAS increased by 2–2.8 times with a concomitant increase in TPS by 2.3–4.9 times. For all dilutions, tripeptide TAS was statistically significantly inferior to carnosine levels, and TPS in dilutions of 4 and 8 mg/ml statistically significantly exceeded carnosine levels. Apparently, the direct antioxidant effect of tripeptide Leu-Ile-Lys is negligible and cannot explain its anti-lithogenic effect.
Conclusion. In comparison with carnosine, tripeptide Leu-Ile-Lys has a minor direct antioxidant effect.
Keywords: tripeptide Leu-Ile-Lys, direct antioxidant effect, mechanism of anti-lithogenic action.
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нерастворимых соединений металлов обладают выраженной биологической активностью, что предполагает их потенциальную применимость в качестве противомикробных средств.
Ключевые слова: антибактериальная активность, гидрогели, хитозан, нерастворимые соединения металлов.
Drug resistance is the main challenge of modern medical microbiology and forces the medical community to pay attention to unconventional or considered obsolete ways of dealing with infections. The purpose of this study was to assess the antimicrobial effect of gels based on colloidal chitosan and silver and copper (II) hydrophosphate sols towards gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as yeast fungi. The article presents data on minimum inhibitory concentrations of several combinations of chitosan with silver and copper hydrophosphates, as well as experimental data on the effectiveness of comparison drugs (gentamycin and amphotericin B). This paper demonstrated the synergetic effect of chitosan of high molecular weight and insoluble silver compounds, as well as the efficiency of a combination composition based on salts of copper and chitosan towards the resistant strain of yeast fungi. As a result, it has been established that the studied compositions based on chitosan and
insoluble metal compounds have a pronounced biological activity, which suggests their potential applicability as antimicrobial agents.
Keywords: antibacterial activity, hydrogels, chitosan, insoluble metal compounds.