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№S1 (17) 2020
Весь выпуск
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Ключевые слова: психическое здоровье, критерии психического здоровья, критичность к себе, СМИ.
Modern mass media have a significant impact (very often negative) on the formation and state of mental health of a person, one of the key criteria of which is criticality towards oneself and one’s own mental production (activity) and its results.
Keywords: mental health, mental health criteria, self-criticality, mass media.
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Ключевые слова: ВИЧ-инфицированные матери, материнская привязанность, самоотношение.
The subject of the research presented in the article is the attitude of the mother to the child and to her own role in the family in HIV-positive and conditionally healthy women. The results of the research focused on the study of personal qualities indirectly revealing maternal affection are presented. The results showed that the characteristic of motherhood of an HIV-positive woman is excessive concentration on the child, which contributes to extremely high affection for the child; HIV-infected women who are not at risk care and love the child rather than reject.
Keywords: HIV-infected mothers, maternal affection, self-attitude.
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Ключевые слова: психологическая грамотность, психическое здоровье, детско-родительские отношения.
The lack of psychological literacy of parents is one of the main causes of problems of the younger generation. Psychological skills and knowledge are structural components of literacy and enable parents to adequately respond to the various situations of family life related to the upbringing of children.
Keywords: psychological literacy, mental health, parent-child relationships.
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Ключевые слова: телесность, физический образ Я, самопознание, самооценка.
The subject of the study presented in the article is the image of the physical self as a specific phenomenon of self-consciousness. The results of a pilot study focused on the exploring the qualities indirectly revealing the subjective idea of a person about their body are presented. The results of the pilot study showed that high estimates of functional characteristics positively correlate with the developing attitude of students to their own body, the index of psychological health of the individual and have a high personal value.
Keywords: corporeality, physical image of self, self-knowledge, self-esteem.
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Ключевые слова: социальное здоровье вузовской молодежи, социально-правовое мировоззрение, нормосфера, криминосфера, маргиносфера в обществе, правовая культура, правосознание студентов.
The article considers social philosophical and philosophical legal aspects of formation of the modern concept of Russian society. The interrelation of the outlook, legal culture, and legal consciousness of university youth is shown with the formation of their social health and creative application of professional knowledge and life forces in further employment.
Keywords: social health of university youth, social and legal outlook, normosphere, criminosphere, marginosphere in society, legal culture, legal awareness of students.
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Ключевые слова: психология, реабилитация, нейрореабилитация, черепно-мозговая травма, острое нарушение мозгового кровообращения.
In modern conditions, full rehabilitation of patients is possible in case of coordinated work of doctors and clinical psychologists in intensive care units. The article presents the main aspects of the psychologist’s activity in the initial assessment of the patient’s consciousness disorder and the development of psychological rehabilitation programs.
Keywords: psychology, rehabilitation, neurorehabilitation, traumatic brain injury, acute violation of cerebral circulation.
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Ключевые слова: неврозогенез, информационная перегрузка, информационное общество и проблемы психической патологии, методологические проблемы клинической психологии.
The study of the neurosogenesis phenomenon is an urgent task for specialists in the field of mental health. Understanding the leading factors and causes resulting in the development of borderline pathology is the key to the successful activity of clinical psychologists aimed at the prevention of these disorders. Currently, in connection with the intensification of all new social changes, the request for the study of modern factors leading to the development of neurotic pathology is actualized. Information overload can be considered as a significant factor in the neurosis etiopathogenesis, requiring comprehensive analysis and study from the point of view of clinical psychology.
Keywords: neurosogenesis, information overload, information society and problems of mental pathology, methodological problems of clinical psychology.
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Ключевые слова: самосознание, внутрипарное взаимодействие, близнецы, дошкольники, близнецовая ситуация.
The twin situation is a special social development situation that determines the postnatal development of twins. Twins, being a mirror copy of each other, often experience difficulties in forming self-consciousness. The twin situation is particularly relevant in pairs of monozygotic twins. Intra-pair interaction determines the presence of a leading and leaded twin in a couple, which has an impact on the development of self-consciousness of preschool children.
Keywords: self-consciousness, intra-pair interaction, twins, preschoolers, twin situation.
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Ключевые слова: кризисное состояние, национальная мотивация, аномия, факторы высокой эмоциональной интенсивности.
The article is devoted to the analysis of social risk factors in the development of crisis states of the individual. Traditionally, psychological crises are considered in the context of normative-age aspects and psycho-traumatic factors in the system of microsocial relations. However, in the development of crisis states, it is impossible to ignore macrosocial phenomena that may pose a threat to the personal identity of representatives of large social groups.
Keywords: crisis state, national motivation, anomy, factors of high emotional intensity.
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Ключевые слова: психология, нейрореабилитация, ресоциализация.
The article presents the main directions and results of the work of psychologists of the Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology. The authors point out the need for psychologists to conduct training and consult with relatives of patients suffering from brain damage, including the need to study methods of rehabilitation, methods of health protection and adaptation.
Keywords: psychology, neurorehabilitation, resocialization.
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Ключевые слова: расстройства пищевого поведения, подростки, детско-родительские отношения, особенности внутрисемейных отношений.
The peculiarities of parent-child relations are an important factor in the process of child mental development and play an important role in the emergence of eating disorders in teenage girls. Various authors turn to the study of issues concerning the family influence on the formation of eating disorders occurring in adolescence, but the ambiguity of the obtained results leaves the problem in the focus of relevance. Teenage girls with nutritional disorders tend to perceive their mothers as bossy, while their fathers appear to be excluded from family life.
Keywords: eating disorders, teenagers, parent-child relations, peculiarities of intra-family relations.
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Ключевые слова: реабилитация, психическая патология, риск инвалидизации.
At present, the provision of mental health care requires comprehensive implementation, including psychopharmacotherapy and psychosocial interventions. The article presents the main directions of psychosocial interventions used in the practical activities of the outpatient service of the Altai Regional Psychiatric Hospital.
Keywords: rehabilitation, mental pathology, risk of disability.
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Ключевые слова: качество жизни, биологическая обратная связь.
The article presents the results of using the high-tech method of sensomotor cognitive training based on biofeedback. During 2019, 1023 patients were treated on the basis of the Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology, 28% of whom were rehabilitated using this method.
Keywords: quality of life, biofeedback.
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Ключевые слова: фрустрация, фрустрационная толерантность, склонность к аддиктивным формам поведения, психологи.
In the article, the authors present the results of the study of the frustration influence on the behavior of caring profession persons. It was found that in the group of students-psychologists impunitive reactions to frustration occur more often than in the group of practicing psychologists (p≤0.05). At the same time, psychologists have a significantly higher index of social adaptation compared to students-psychologists (p≤0.01).
Keywords: frustration, frustration tolerance, inclination to addictive behaviors, psychologists.
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Ключевые слова: подросток, подростковый возраст, самоотношение, гендер, гендерная идентичность, личностные особенности.
The results of empirical research of teenagers’ self-attitude depending on the type of their gender identity were analyzed and presented. It is noted that boys and girls of teenage age with different gender identity have specific features of self-attitude parameters.
Keywords: teenager, adolescence, self-attitude, gender, gender identity, personality traits.
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Ключевые слова: сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, распространенность заболеваний, избыточная масса тела или ожирение.
At all times, children’s health has been considered a priority task not only for educational institutions, parents and families in Russia as a whole, but also for the national public policy of society. As is well known, any disease is easier to prevent (within the framework of prophylaxis) than to treat later.
Keywords: cardiovascular diseases, disease prevalence, overweight or obesity.
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Ключевые слова: психологическая готовность к отцовству, семья, социальное здоровье.
In the framework of the research, the authors present data on the key factors of education that determine the complex preparation of boys for paternity. The results of the study can be used in the preparation of psychological and pedagogical programs to promote the formation of readiness for paternity in boys.
Keywords: psychological readiness for paternity, family, social health.
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Ключевые слова: регуляция деятельности, функции программирования и контроля, кинетический нейропсихологический фактор, нейропсихологический фактор программирования и контроля.
The article presents the results of empirical research of the functions of programming, control and regulation of the activities of persons who have committed particularly serious crimes. It has been shown that offenders generally have a lower level of regulation, programming and control of the activities than a norm group.
Keywords: regulation of activity, programming and control functions, kinetic neuropsychological factor, neuropsychological factor of programming and control.
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Ключевые слова: динамика состояния пациента, экспериментальное патопсихологическое исследование, расстройство личности, особенности самооценки.
The article describes the problem of change in the emotional state and behavior of a patient with the personality disorder in the process of pathopsychological research and psychotherapy. The analysis of the case of pathopsychological experimental study of a patient with the anomalous personality organization is presented. Fluctuations of the system of relations, peculiarities of the patient’s personality, his self-esteem are described. The results of the study are presented. The primary disorder in the structure of mental activity in this patient is described.
Keywords: dynamics of the patient’s condition, experimental pathopsychological study, personality disorder, self-esteem peculiarities.
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Ключевые слова: психология личности, самооценка, социальные сети.
As of 2014, 86% of students aged 18 to 24, 80% of people aged 25 to 30, and 67% of people aged 31 to 40 were active users of social networks. In the framework of the conducted research, the authors substantiate the need to ensure psychological well-being of a person who is a user of social networks.
Keywords: personality psychology, self-esteem, social networks.
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Ключевые слова: одиночество, подростковый возраст, социализация.
In modern society, the problem of loneliness is treated rather disparagingly, not being counted as a problem. However, depression and neurotic diseases often accompany loneliness, which makes full human life impossible. It accompanies a person at all ages and at each age is understood and experienced differently, but most often loneliness occurs in teenagers.
Keywords: loneliness, adolescence, socialization.
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Ключевые слова: здоровье, культура здоровья, самоактуализация личности.
It is established that at the current stage of society development, a person should have the high health culture to reveal personal potential. The data of the study of subjective assessment of the health of an individual are presented, as it is one of the elements of the modern person health culture. The interrelation of subjective assessment of health and personality self-actualization is analyzed.
Keywords: health, health culture, personality self-actualization.
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Ключевые слова: регуляция позы тела, стабилография, саморегуляция, биологически обратная связь, вегетососудистая дистония.
The article presents positive results of using the stabilographic game “Balls” for training self-regulation of body position in patients with vegetovascular dystonia.
Keywords: regulation of body position, stabilography, self-regulation, biofeedback, vegetovascular dystonia.