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№3 (15) 2019
Весь выпуск
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Ключевые слова: сочетанные очаги, природно-очаговые инфекции, клещевой вирусный энцефалит, сибирский клещевой тиф, эндемичные территории, определение ведущих факторов, многомерный факторный анализ.
The article presents the results of epidemiological research of combined foci of tick-borne viral encephalitis and Siberian tick-borne typhus, namely the results of the multidimensional factor analysis, through which the leading factors influencing epidemic processes of these infections were identified. The degree of influence of each of the factors on the level of current infections incidence was determined. A comparative assessment of the degree of influence of the leading factors on the incidence of the population of Altai Krai districts with combined foci of these infections was given.
Keywords: combined foci, natural focal infections, tick-borne viral encephalitis, Siberian tick-borne typhus, endemic territories, determination of leading factors, multidimensional factor analysis.
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Ключевые слова: эпидемиологическое прогнозирование, природно-очаговые инфекции, клещевой вирусный энцефалит, эпидемический процесс.
The developed technology of epidemiological forecasting of the incidence of tick-borne natural focal infections on the basis of neural network and GIS-technologies allows to obtain reliable prognostic incidence rates in endemic territories. Implementation of the technology provides taking into account more than 25 factors of biotic and abiotic nature, having a significant influence on the process of formation and maintenance of high activity of infection foci. This article presents epidemiological forecasting of the incidence of tick-borne encephalitis on the model of Altai Krai and the Republic of Altai.
Keywords: epidemiological forecasting, natural focal infections, tick-borne viral encephalitis, epidemic process.
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Ключевые слова: ветряная оспа, эпидемиология, вакцинация, карантин.
Chickenpox is a widespread highly contagious disease with an airborne transmission mechanism. The possibility of mass morbidity with this nosology determining the need for the introduction of quarantine measures preconditions the significance of the issue of primary specific prevention. A feature of chickenpox in children’s groups is the outbreak of the infection among people who have no previous history of disease or have not been vaccinated. The study resulted in the establishment of several features of the epidemiological manifestations of chickenpox among children and adults in Altai Krai.
Keywords: chickenpox, epidemiology, vaccination, quarantine.
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Ключевые слова: НПВП-гастропатия, простагландины, окислительный стресс, апоптоз, слизистая оболочка желудка.
The review analyzes modern research data on the factors, causes and mechanisms of development of NSAID-induced injury of the gastric mucosa. The role of prostaglandins, nitrogen oxide, free radical oxidation, and apoptosis processes in protection and damage of the gastric mucosa was studied. On the basis of collected data, a new vector of development of effective schemes of pharmacological correction of NSAID-induced gastropathy was proposed.
Keywords: NSAID gastropathy, prostaglandins, oxidative stress, apoptosis, gastric mucosa.
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The influence of hypoxic hypoxia on the concentration of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), the concentration of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) in amniotic fluid (AF) of rabbits on the 27-28th day of pregnancy was studied. The rabbits were divided into two groups: experimental (n=9) and control (n=6). Rabbits of the experimental group were placed in a hypoxic chamber containing 10±2% of oxygen and 90±2% of nitrogen for 1 hour, after which they were killed, and the amniotic fluid (experiment – n=35, control – n=35) was taken from fetuses. The results are presented in the form of a median (25–75%). Acute general hypoxic hypoxia increased the concentration of MMP-1 in AF [experience – 2.14 (2.03–2.29) ng/ml, control – 1.18 (0.98–1.38) ng/ml, p=0.019], increased the concentration of TIMP-1 in AF [experience – 1.96 (1.80–2.09) ng/ml, control – 1.74 (1.61–1.88) ng/ml, p<0.001] and MMP-1/TIMP-1 ratio in AF [experience – 1.10 (1.02–1.18), control – 0.70 (0.58–0.83), p<0.001]. Conclusion: acute general hypoxic hypoxia in late pregnancy causes changes in the biochemical composition of AF, characterized by an imbalance between the levels of MMP-1 and TIMP-1, which indicates the activation of the system of matrix metalloproteinases of the fetus.
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Материалы и методы. В данном исследовании были использованы половозрелые крысы-самцы (48 особей) линии Wistar средней массой 274,0±32,0 г. Крыс содержали на стандартном рационе, корм и воду подавали 1 раз в сутки между 10 и 11 часами. В вечернее время животные подвергались однократной гиперкапнической гипоксии в специальной проточной камере. Состояние гиперкапнической гипоксии максимальной интенсивности моделировалось при содержании О2 – 5,0%, СО2 – 5,0% в течение однократного 20-минутного воздействия. В качестве тренировочного режима был использован 30-кратный курс мексидола, препарат крысам вводился внутрибрюшинно в дозе 50 мг/кг за 1,5 часа до воздействия гиперкапнической гипоксии.
Результаты. После однократного воздействия гиперкапнической гипоксии максимальной интенсивности было зарегистрировано укорочение времени начала образования сгустка (CT), повышение угла α ̊ и максимальной плотности сгустка (MCF). Также укорачивалось время образования сгустка (CFT) и увеличивался показатель максимального лизиса сгустка (ML). При однократном воздействии гиперкапнической гипоксии максимальной интенсивности после курсового введения мексидола было зарегистрировано укорочение максимальной плотности сгустка (MCF).
Выводы. Однократное воздействие гиперкапнической гипоксии максимальной интенсивности характеризовалось смещением гемостатического потенциала в сторону гиперкоагуляции на фоне активации фибринолитической системы крови. Курсовое применение антигипоксанта, а именно мексидола, предшествующее гиперкапнической гипоксии максимальной интенсивности, существенно снижает риск тромбообразования.
Ключевые слова: гиперкапническая гипоксия, гемостаз, тромбоэластография, мексидол.
Research objective. To study the reaction of the hemostasis system to the single effect of hypercapnic hypoxia of maximum intensity in rats and the possibility of correction of hemostasiological disorders with the help of preliminary course use of the antihypoxic drug – mexidol.
Materials and methods. In this study, adult male Wistar rats (48 animals) with the average weight of 274.0±32.0 g were used. Rats were kept on a standard diet, food and water were served once a day between 10 and 11 o’clock. In the evening, animals were subjected to a single hypercapnic hypoxia in a special flow chamber. The state of hypercapnic hypoxia of maximum intensity was modeled at the content of О2 – 5.0%, СО2 – 5.0% during a single 20-minute exposure. As a training regime, a 30-fold course of mexidol was used, the drug was administered intraperitoneally in rats at a dose of 50 mg/kg 1.5 h before the hypercapnic hypoxia exposure.
Results. After a single hypercapnic hypoxia exposure of maximum intensity, a shortening of the start clotting time (CT), an increase in the angle α ̊ and the maximum clot firmness (MCF) was recorded. The clot formation time (CFT) decreased as well and the maximum clot lysis (ML) increased. With the single hypercapnic hypoxia exposure of maximum intensity, after the course administration of mexidol, a decrease in the maximum clot firmness (MCF) was recorded.
Conclusions. The single effect of hypercapnic hypoxia of maximum intensity was characterized by a shift of hemostatic potential towards hypercoagulation on the background of fibrinolytic blood system activation. Preceding hypercapnic hypoxia of maximum intensity, the course use of the antihypoxic drug, namely mexidol, significantly reduces the thrombotic risk.
Keywords: hypercapnic hypoxia, hemostasis, thromboelastography, mexidol.
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Ключевые слова: вакцинопрофилактика, инфекции, программа, проблемы, решение.
The article reflects topical issues of infectious pathology, among which preventive vaccination is of special importance. The role of preventive vaccination was noted not only in reducing morbidity and mortality from infections, but also in preventing oncologic and somatic diseases, limiting the antibiotic resistance growth. Reasons for insufficient vaccination coverage of the population were revealed, measures for their elimination were proposed. Experience of children scientific and clinical center of infectious diseases and domestic experience of preventive vaccination effectiveness were presented. The program of preventive vaccination in St. Petersburg aimed at implementing the strategy “St. Petersburg – a city free of infections” was described.
Keywords: preventive vaccination, infections, program, problems, solution.
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Цель исследования. Оценить эффективность программы профилактики CCЗ, включая оказание профилактической помощи на госпитальном этапе в организованном трудовом коллективе.
Материалы и методы. В исследование включали машинистов и помощников машинистов локомотивного депо станции Барнаул. Проводили индивидуальное профилактическое консультирование в поликлинике, реабилитационном (физкультурно-оздоровительном) центре, стационаре. Выполнено мониторинговое исследование в репрезентативных выборках, в 2010 году выборка составила 224 мужчины, в 2016 году – 123 человека. Выполнялась оценка поведенческих, кардиометаболических, психосоциальных факторов риска, временной утраты трудоспособности (ВУТ).
Результаты. Проведение профилактического консультирования с охватом амбулаторного и стационарного звена в трудовом коллективе привело к снижению частоты курения на 40,3%, гиподинамии на 18,2%, чрезмерного употребления алкоголя на 52,3%, недостаточного употребления овощей и фруктов на 29,6%, гиперхолестеринемии на 15,7%, абдоминального ожирения на 11,2%, тахикардии покоя на 12,7%. Применение мультидисциплинарного подхода с привлечением психолога позволило достичь коррекции психосоциальных факторов: не установлено случаев субклинической и клинической тревоги и депрессии, высокий уровень психосоциального стресса выявлен у одного человека. Произошло снижение заболеваемости с ВУТ по CCЗ в 1,8 раза, по артериальной гипертонии в 1,3 раза.
Заключение. Полученные результаты подтверждают эффективность и необходимость реализации профилактических программ в трудовых коллективах посредством включения мер по их созданию в национальные стратегии здравоохранения, реформы сектора здравоохранения и планы повышения эффективности работы систем здравоохранения.
Ключевые слова: трудовой коллектив, работники локомотивных бригад, сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, профилактика, факторы риска.
Implementation of corporate programs of primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is a promising direction for preservation of the health of the working population.
Research objective. To assess the effectiveness of the CVD prevention program, including the provision of preventive care at the hospital stage in an organized workforce.
Materials and methods. The study included drivers and assistant drivers of the locomotive depot of the Barnaul station. Individual preventive consulting was conducted in a polyclinic, rehabilitation (fitness and health) center, in-patient hospital. The monitoring study was carried out in representative samples, in 2010, the sample was 224 men, in 2016 — 123 people. The evaluation of behavioral, cardiometabolic, psychosocial risk factors, temporary disability (TD) was carried out.
Results. Preventive consulting involving outpatient and inpatient staff led to a reduction in smoking prevalence by 40.3%, hypodynamia by 18.2%, excessive alcohol consumption by 52.3%, insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits by 29.6%, hypercholesterinemia by 15.7%, abdominal obesity by 11.2%, and resting tachycardia by 12.7%. The multidisciplinary approach with the involvement of a psychologist allowed to achieve the correction of psychosocial factors: there were no cases of subclinical and clinical anxiety and depression, a high level of psychosocial stress was detected in one person. There was a decrease in the CVD incidence with TD by 1.8 times, in arterial hypertension by 1.3 times.
Conclusion. The results confirm the effectiveness and necessity of implementing preventive programs in the labor community by incorporating measures to establish them into the national health strategies, health sector reforms, and plans to improve the effectiveness of health systems.
Keywords: workforce, employees of locomotive crews, cardiovascular diseases, prevention, risk factors.
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Ключевые слова: язвенный колит, болезнь Крона, дети.
The research objective was to conduct a comparative study of the clinical course of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease in children. The study was conducted on the basis of the hospital register of patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease in the gastroenterological department of the Children’s City Hospital No. 1 of Barnaul for the last ten years. The study included 15 children, among them, 6 with UC, 6 with CD, and 3 with nonspecific colitis. The analysis of the clinical picture, the results of biochemical and endoscopic examinations was carried out. It was established that there are features of the clinical course characteristic for each disease. Inflammatory changes in UD and CD are weak or moderate, especially in the case of CD. Of the inflammatory markers, the increase in the calprotectin level is of the greatest importance in the diagnosis of IBD. Among patients with UC, distal forms (proctitis, proctosigmoiditis) were more often found in 66,6% of children, patients with CD more often showed the form with lesion of the large and small intestine – 66.6%. The results of colonoscopy and histological studies do not allow to differentiate UC and Crohn’s disease without taking into account all clinical and laboratory data.
Keywords: ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, children.