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№4 (20) 2020
Весь выпуск
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Ключевые слова: протокол рентгенологического анализа, краниоцервикальный цефалометрический анализ M. Rocabado, краниомандибулярные нарушения, краниальные паттерны, височно-нижнечелюстной сустав.
This article presents the diagnosis of cranial patterns (craniocervical cephalometric analysis according to the method of Professor M. Rocabado), as well as the analysis of structures of temporomandibular joints with the help of cone beam computed tomography, allowing for a fuller amount of information for the preparation of a full-scale comprehensive treatment plan.
Keywords: X-ray analysis protocol, craniocervical cephalometric analysis of M. Rocabado, craniomandibular disorders, cranial patterns, temporomandibular joint.
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Ключевые слова: психологический статус, коронавирусная инфекция, COVID-19, методика определения отношения к болезни, методика ТОБОЛ.
The psychological state of a person is an important component in the development and treatment of any disease. In the context of a pandemic, this aspect becomes particularly important. In the article, the authors analyzed the results of remote survey of attitude towards the new coronavirus disease according to the method of TATD in order to determine the psychological status of patients of orthopedic departments in dental clinics, which revealed the need for psychological assistance to people of the age category 65+ years.
Keywords: psychological status, сoronavirus disease, COVID-19, method of determining the attitude towards the disease, TATD method.
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Ключевые слова: стоматологическая ортопедическая помощь населению, профессиональные преступления медицинских работников, преступления, связанные с дефектом медицинской помощи, профессиональная стоматологическая деятельность, уголовно-правовые санкции, система уголовно-правовых санкций.
The article is devoted to the description of the modern situation associated with poor quality provision of dental orthopedic care to the population, which caused harm to the life and health of the patient. We analyzed the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, according to which medical workers are currently prosecuted in case of commission of careless crime related to harm to the life and health of the patient. An analysis of sanctions of these articles was conducted. The possibility of positive preventive impact of sanctions of new articles of the Criminal Code is noted.
Keywords: dental orthopedic care to the population, professional crimes of medical workers, crimes associated with defect of medical care, professional dental activity, criminal law sanctions, criminal law sanction system.
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Ключевые слова: смешанная слюна, анизотропное структурообразование, ксеростомия, пародонтит, сложная челюстная патология.
Mixed saliva is one of the homeostasis systems of the human body, which plays an important role in preserving the integration of oral tissues. Mixed saliva is characterized by a certain molecular structure, the basic properties of saliva are viscosity and fluidity, combined with optical properties of crystalline textures. The research objective is to identify the parameters of anisotropic structure formation of mixed saliva in patients with the complex jaw pathology in combination with chronic parodontitis. The analysis of morphology of diagnosed textures of mixed saliva reveals the mechanism of intensity of formation of “pathological” type masses, desynchronosis and correlates with the severity of xerostomia and chronic parodontitis.
Keywords: mixed saliva, anisotropic structure formation, xerostomia, parodontitis, complex jaw pathology.
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Ключевые слова: уменьшенная межальвеолярная высота, гипертония жевательных мышц, визуально-аналоговая шкала боли (ВАШ), эластичная лента, капа.
The research objective was to study the degree of efficacy of combined treatment with the help of elastic bands and trays in patients with reduced interalveolar height, suffering from hypertension of muscles of mastication. 103 patients (37 men and 66 women) between the ages of 21 and 65 (mean age 33.2±5.7) were examined. The diagnosis was conducted on the basis of clinical and paraclinical (electromyography) methods of research. The intensity of pain was determined using the Visual Analog Pain Scale (VAS). Elimination of hypertension of muscles of mastication was carried out with the help of trays for patients of the first group (51 people); patients of the second group (52 people) were recommended combined treatment, with the help of elastic bands and trays. A significant decrease in the level of pain in patients of the second group occurred by the 14th day from the beginning of therapy (4.54±0.5 points, V1-3 =-6,40; p1-3=0.01), while in patients of the first group – only to day 21 (5.08±0.6 points, V1-4=-6.28; p1-4=0.01). A statistically significant change in the bioelectrical activity of muscles of mastication was observed by the beginning of the second week of the preparatory stage of treatment in patients of the second group, and in patients of the first group – by the end of the third week. Thus, the proposed method of treating hypertension of muscles of mastication with the help of elastic bands and trays has qualities that favorably distinguish it from other known methods due to the functioning of muscles of mastication in a partial load mode.
Keywords: reduced interalveolar height, hypertension of muscles of mastication, Visual Analogue Pain Scale (VAS), elastic band, tray.
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Ключевые слова: стоматологический статус, атлетическая гимнастика, повышенная стираемость твердых тканей зубов, височно-нижнечелюстной сустав.
We analyzed the main indicators characterizing the state of dental health of young men independently engaged in artistic gymnastics. In the course of the study, it was found that in most patients, dental disorders were determined in the form of non-carious lesions of the hard tooth tissues manifested by their increased attrition, more often localized, as well as functional disorders of the temporomandibular joints and muscles of mastication, in some cases: inflammatory periodontal diseases [1]. This article provides a comparative analysis of the negative impact on the dental health of young people engaged in artistic gymnastics with and without using the occlusal splint. In the course of research, the efficacy of using the occlusal splint developed by us during artistic gymnastics is proved. Based on the obtained data, the occlusal splint prevents further attrition of the hard tooth tissues, reduces the burden on the periodontal tissues, temporomandibular joint, as well as muscles of mastication.
Keywords: dental health, artistic gymnastics, increased hard tooth tissue attrition, temporomandibular joint.
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В процессе работы было обследовано 300 человек двух ключевых возрастных групп по 150 человек, в каждом населенном пункте по 50 человек взрослого и пожилого населения, проживающих в городе Рубцовске, селе Шипуново, селе Тальменка Алтайского края в течение 5 лет и более. В первой группе возраст людей составил 35–44 года, во второй – 65 лет и более. Распространенность кариеса первой ключевой группы значимо ниже общероссийского показателя, а во второй ключевой группе, наоборот, выше. Интенсивность кариеса по индексу КПУ в группе взрослого населения города Рубцовска и села Тальменка ниже общероссийского показателя, а в селе Шипуново, напротив, выше. Результаты проведенного эпидемиологического обследования должны быть использованы для планирования специализированной стоматологической помощи на территории Алтайского края.
Ключевые слова: распространенность и интенсивность кариеса, эпидемиологическое обследование.
Cavities is one of the most common dental diseases. Despite the successes of modern dentistry in the prevention and treatment of cavities, data of epidemiological surveys indicate that the incidence of cavities and its complications ranges from 70% to 90% in various age groups. The study of cavities is associated, first of all, with the need to obtain key indicators of prevalence and intensity using a unified approach to the analysis and record of hard tooth tissue pathology.
During the work, 300 people of two key age groups of 150 people were surveyed; in each settlement, we examined 50 adults and 50 elderly people living in Rubtsovsk town, Shipunovo village, Tal’menka village in Altai Krai for 5 years or more. In the first group, the age of people was 35–44 years, in the second – 65 years or more. The prevalence of cavities is significantly lower in the first key group than the all-Russian indicator, and in the second key group, on the contrary, is higher. According to the CFE index, the intensity of cavities in the adult population group of Rubtsovsk town and Tal’menka village is lower than the all-Russian indicator, and in Shipunovo village, on the contrary, is higher. The results of the epidemiological survey should be used to plan specialized dental care in the territory of Altai Krai.
Keywords: prevalence and intensity of cavities, epidemiological survey.
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Цель исследования: оценить состояние слизистой оболочки рта у детей, проживающих в населенных пунктах Алтайского края с неблагоприятной экологической обстановкой, для дальнейшего совершенствования системы оказания им специализированной помощи.
Ключевые слова: экологические факторы, заболевания слизистой оболочки рта у детей.
According to WHO, human health is 20% dependent on environmental factors. Thus, in Russia, about 30% of the population lives in environmentally unfavorable areas [5]. It is known that the prevalence of not only general somatic pathology, but also dental morbidity increases in their territory. Therefore, reducing the negative impact of environmental factors on public health is a priority for any State. For the industrialized regions of Western Siberia, the impact of anthropogenic environmental loads on the health of the population is carried out in the context of the combined effects of social economic, natural climatic, technogenic and radiochemical factors, which leads to the formation of specific regional problem situations and priorities in environmental pollution causing negative changes in the state of public health [1, 2, 6]. Thus, for Altai Krai, regional specificity is manifested in the effect of a set of industrial and radiation influences associated with the consequences of the Semipalatinsk test site in 50–60s of the previous century [3, 4]. Identification of regional ecological features of prevalence of dental diseases in children in conditions of Altai Krai is relevant.
The research objective was to assess the state of the oral mucosa in children living in populated areas of Altai Krai with an unfavorable ecological situation in order to further improve the system of providing specialized assistance to them.
Keywords: ecological factors, diseases of oral mucosa in children.
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The purpose of the article is to acquaint a broad audience of readers with the creative path of Vladimir Ivanovich Semennikov, a wonderful scientist, teacher, doctor, our colleague and mentor, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Altai State Medical University. He realized his vocation as a teacher and professional of his field in his scientific works, his scientific-practical school “Optimization of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of oral cavity organs and maxillofacial area”.