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№2 (18) 2020
Весь выпуск
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Ключевые слова: средства индивидуальной защиты, лаборатория, охрана труда, вредные и опасные факторы, профессиональный риск.
The article presents the analysis of the issue of providing personal protection equipment for employees of the scientific laboratory engaged in research and assessment of levels of impact of adverse factors of the ambient environment and production environment. This package of issues is of particular relevance due to the new ISO/IEC 17025-2019 interstate standard “General requirements for the competence of test and calibration laboratories” entering into force from September 1, 2019, where the main responsibilities of the accredited laboratory include the prevention of various air pollution of the working area, of the influence of adverse effects on laboratory activities, and minimization of occupational risks.
Keywords: personal protection equipment, laboratory, labor protection, harmful and dangerous factors, occupational risk.
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Ключевые слова: гипотермия, легкие, тучные клетки, адаптация.
The research objective was to compare the effect of single and multiple daily deep immersion hypothermia on the morphofunctional activity of lung mast cells in Wistar rats in the experiment. The study was conducted on 45 rats. Hypothermia was modeled by placing animals in individual cages in water at a temperature of 5°С with the environment temperature of 7°С. The impact of the cold factor was stopped when animals reached a deep degree of hypothermia, the criterion of which was rectal temperature of 20–25°С. The material for histological examination was taken immediately after hypothermia and after 2, 7, and 14 days. Immediately after the impact of the cold factor, large MC were detected in a state of agranulocytosis in the animal pulmonary tissue. On the 2nd day of the experiment, with multiple hypothermia compared to the single one, the number of MC in the field of view increased by 37.1%; the area of MC increased by 32.2%; the number of degranulating MC increased by 14.4%, and the content of compact forms of MC decreased by 17.9%. On the 7th day, with multiple hypothermia, the number of MC in the field of view increased by 32.3%; the number of degranulating MC was 1.9 times more, and the content of compact forms of MC decreased by 1.4 times. On the 14th day, the number of MC in the field of view increased by 3.1 times; the number of degranulating MC was 1.4 times more, and the content of compact forms of MC decreased by 1.2 times. Thus, MC are an important element in the long-term adaptation of lungs under the impact of multiple deep immersion hypothermia.
Keywords: hypothermia, lungs, mast cells, adaptation.
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Ключевые слова: глины, информативные параметры, биологически активные добавки, хранение.
Informative parameters of assessment of Siberian clay mines studied as an example were observed in the work for the clay use in therapeutic practice and cosmetology, creation and storage of biologically active composites based on clay. The results of the study of clays spread in the borders of Kemerovo Oblast, Altai Krai are presented. The X-ray phase analysis and spectral analysis established the main elements of microcrystalline structure, characteristic of kaolin and polymineral clays, their chemical composition. Adsorption capacity, cation exchange capacity important for the use of clays for medicine have been identified along with normalized safety indicators. It is shown that the unified criterion defining the most important physical characteristics of clay prepared for application (plasticity, adsorption, thermal and other) is the content of the smallest (less than 0.01 mm) constituent particles. Enrichment of clays with biologically active additive of carbon acid extract of Siberian fir influenced the biochemical state of the resulting composites, ensured the stability of qualitative indicators in storage dynamics. The therapeutic use of this type of raw material contributes to the realization of resource saving directions.
Keywords: clays, informative parameters, biologically active additives, storage.
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Материалы и методы. Ретроспективный анализ госпитализации 2 327 больных с ВТЭО за 10-летний период (2010–2019 гг.). В зависимости от периода поступления больные разбиты на 2 группы: первая группа (1 104 пациента) – госпитализированные в период 2010–2014 гг.; вторая группа (1 223 пациента) – поступившие в стационар в период 2015–2019 гг. Проведен анализ структуры госпитализации. Изучена динамика числа госпитализаций нозологических форм ВТЭО.
Результаты и выводы. Не обнаружено статистически значимой разницы в частоте госпитализации ВТЭО, однако имеется тенденция к увеличению общего числа ВТЭО. По полученным данным, ежегодная частота ВТЭО составила 65,5 случая на 100 000 населения в год. Обнаружено значимое увеличение частоты госпитализации пациентов с ТЭЛА. Данный факт может быть связан не только с улучшением диагностики, но и с увеличением интенсивности тромботического процесса. В представленном исследовании учитывались ВТЭО, требующие лечения в специализированном отделении, без учета ВТЭО, рекомендованных к амбулаторному этапу лечения.
Ключевые слова: венозные тромбоэмболические осложнения (ВТЭО), тромбофлебит, тромбоз глубоких вен (ТГВ), тромбоэмболия легочной артерии (ТЭЛА).
Research objective. To study the structure of VTEC hospitalization and changes in this structure over the last 10 years.
Materials and methods. The retrospective analysis of hospitalization of 2327 patients with VTEC for a 10-year period (2010–2019). Depending on the period of admission, patients were divided into 2 groups: the first group (1104 patients) included people hospitalized in the period of 2010–2014; the second group (1223 patients) – admitted to the hospital in the period of 2015–2019. The structure of hospitalization was analyzed. The dynamics of the number of hospitalizations of VTEC nosological forms was studied.
Results and conclusions. No statistically significant difference was found in the frequency of VTEC hospitalization, but there is a tendency to an increase in the total number of VTEC. According to the data, the annual frequency of VTEC was 65.5 cases per 100 000 population. The significant increase in frequency of hospitalization of PATE patients was found. This fact may be related not only to the improvement of diagnosis, but also to the increase in the intensity of the thrombotic process. The study presented took into account VTEC requiring treatment in a specialized unit, without regard to VTEC recommended for the outpatient stage of treatment.
Keywords: venous thromboembolic complications (VTEC), thrombophlebitis, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary artery thromboembolia (PATE).
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Ключевые слова: пренатальная диагностика, хромосомные аберрации плода, биохимический скрининг.
Prenatal diagnosis of commonly occurring fetal chromosome aberrations is one of the primary methods for predelivery diagnosis of congenital diseases. The objective of this study was to assess the most effective markers of fetal chromosome aberrations and dynamics of prenatal detection of this pathology in the territory of Altai Krai. Based on the analysis of data for the period from 2012 to 2019, prenatal diagnosis of fetal chromosome pathology in Altai Krai was assessed by the results of prenatal screening of the first and second trimester. The effectiveness of prenatal examination of the first and second trimester was assessed for the last 5 years (2015–2019). The obtained results suggest high informativity of early prenatal screening. The combination of ultrasound markers of fetal chromosome aberrations and biochemical screening results showed its maximum efficacy; in this case, prenatal diagnosis was 48.7%.
Keywords: prenatal diagnosis, fetal chromosome aberrations, biochemical screening.
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Материалы и методы. На проспективном этапе у 113 женщин с РХГ изучена частота комбинаций мутаций генов PAI-1, FV, FII, MTHFR (метод ПЦР) и повышения уровня антител к Fc-фрагменту иммуноглобулина и/или тироглобулину (метод ИФА), их связь с выкидышем. Ретроспективно у 309 женщин изучена ассоциация изучаемых комбинаций с привычным выкидышем.
Результаты. Женщины с РХГ имеют комбинации генетических и аутоиммунных изменений в 35,4% (40/113), которые чаще наблюдаются при потере беременности (р=0,0001). Привычный выкидыш ассоциируется в 50,0% с изучаемыми комбинациями. Прогностическая ценность положительного результата отдельных комбинаций составила 33,3–100%.
Заключение. Выявление в предгравидарном периоде комбинаций мутаций генов PAI-1, FV, FII, MTHFR и повышения уровня антител к Fc-фрагменту иммуноглобулина и/или тироглобулину у женщин с отягощенным акушерско-гинекологическим анамнезом позволяет сформировать группу риска по развитию привычного выкидыша.
Ключевые слова: привычный выкидыш, аутоантитела, мутации генов системы гемостаза и фолатного цикла.
Research objective: to develop and pathogenetically substantiate a new diagnostic complex involving combinations of gene mutations of hemostasis system and folate cycle with autoimmune disorders that increase the risk of habitual miscarriage.
Materials and methods. The frequency of combinations of PAI-1, FV, FII, MTHFR (PCR method) gene mutations and increased levels of antibodies to Fc region of immunoglobulin and/or thyroglobulin (EIA method), their association with miscarriage were studied in 113 women with RCH on the prospective stage. In retrospect, the association of studied combinations with habitual miscarriage was studied in 309 women.
Results. Women with RCH have a combination of genetic and autoimmune changes in 35.4% (40/113) that are more likely to occur in pregnancy loss (p=0.0001). The habitual miscarriage is associated with the combinations studied in 50.0%. The prognostic value of the positive result of certain combinations was 33.3–100%.
Conclusion. Identification of combinations of PAI-1, FV, FII, MTHFR gene mutations and increased levels of antibodies to Fc region of immunoglobulin and/or thyroglobulin in women with burdened obstetric gynecological history in the pregravid period allows to form a risk group for the development of habitual miscarriage.
Keywords: habitual miscarriage, autoantibodies, gene mutations of hemostasis system and folate cycle.
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Материалы и методы. Обследованы 65 больных тяжелой пневмонией, сепсисом, хроническим гломерулонефритом и нефропатией в возрасте от 17 до 77 лет. Среди них были 22 пациента, которые получали гемодиализ. Уровень пресепсина определяли количественно на иммунохемилюминесцентном анализаторе Pathfast (Mitsubishi Chemical Medience Corporation, Япония).
Результаты. Уровень пресепсина при тяжелой пневмонии у больных на гемодиализе составил 6587,9±2011,09 пг/мл (n=7). Уровень пресепсина при пневмогенном сепсисе у больных, получающих гемодиализ, был 6931,1±820,46 пг/мл (n=7). У больных хроническим гломерулонефритом, нефропатиями на гемодиализе пресепсин был 1693,0±248,24 пг/мл (n=5). Уровни пресепсина у больных тяжелой пневмонией, пневмогенным сепсисом, которые получали гемодиализ, не различались. Пресепсин у больных тяжелой пневмонией, пневмогенным сепсисом, которым проводили гемодиализ, был выше, чем у больных хроническим гломерулонефритом и нефропатией, получающих гемодиализ.
Заключение. Высокий уровень пресепсина отражает активность инфекционного процесса и влияние гемодиализа.
Ключевые слова: пресепсин, пневмония, сепсис, гемодиализ.
Research objective. To study presepsin as an inflammation marker to improve diagnosis of severe pneumonia and sepsis in hemodialysis patients.
Materials and methods. 65 patients with severe pneumonia, sepsis, chronic glomerulonephritis, and nephropathy aged from 17 to 77 years were examined. Among them, 22 patients received hemodialysis. The presepsin level was quantified on immunochemiluminiscent analyzer Pathfast (Mitsubishi Chemical Medience Corporation, Japan).
Results. The presepsin level in hemodialysis patients with severe pneumonia was 6587.9±2011.09 pg/ml (n=7). In hemodialysis patients with pneumogenic sepsis, the presepsin level was 6931.1±820.46 pg/ml (n=7). Рresepsin in hemodialysis patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, nephropathy was 1693,0±248,24 pg/ml (n=5). The presepsin levels in patients with severe pneumonia, pneumogenic sepsis who received hemodialysis did not differ. Presepsin in hemodialysis patients with severe pneumonia, pneumogenic sepsis was higher than in hemodialysis patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and nephropathy.
Conclusion. The high presepsin level is an indication of an active infection process and an effect of hemodialysis.
Keywords: presepsin, pneumonia, sepsis, hemodialysis.
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Ключевые слова: геморрагическая лихорадка с почечным синдромом, клинические симптомы.
On the basis of a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of 284 patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, the characteristics of the course depending on the period and the severity of the disease was given. Correlations between the duration and severity of clinical manifestations of the initial disease period and the severity of the course in the oliguric period have not been revealed. The difficulty of diagnosing hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the initial disease period was shown, which requires differential diagnosis with many infectious genesis diseases. The hemorrhagic syndrome was found only in patients with a severe course of the disease. In most cases, patients with a severe course of the disease required hemodialysis.
Keywords: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, clinical symptoms.
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Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 172 пациента, из них у 48 диагностирован РА (I группа), у 62 – ассоциация РА и БОД (II группа), у 60 диагностированы болезни органов дыхания (III группа). РА определен в соответствии с классификационным критерием ACR/EULAR (2010) для РА, при среднем числе баллов по 4 позициям равном 8,43,11. Группы сопоставимы по полу и возрасту. Для оценки КЖ больных РА использовали опросники SF-36 Health Status Survey (SF-36) и HAQ. Оценку реактивной и личностной тревожности проводили по шкале Спилбергера-Ханина.
Результаты. У больных II группы (РА+БОД) все показатели КЖ были статистически значимо ниже, чем в группах сравнения (p<0,001). В наибольшей степени изменялись показатели физического здоровья (физическое функционирование (ФФ), ролевое физическое функционирование (РФФ), боль (Б), общее здоровье). Среди показателей КЖ, характеризующих психологическое здоровье (Ж, социальное функционирование (СФ), ролевое эмоциональное функционирование (РЭФ), психическое здоровье (ПЗ)), в большей степени были снижены РЭФ – на 52,3% и Ж – на 36,1%. При сочетании РА и БОД уровень клинически выраженной тревоги был наиболее высоким (60,9%; рI-II=0,007; pII-III=0,03). Клинически выраженная депрессия диагностирована у 56,3% больных II группы (рI-II=0,021; pII-III=0,046), у пациентов III группы статистически значимо чаще диагностирована субклиническая депрессия (у 60%, рII-III=0,051). У большинства больных РА по опроснику Спилбергера-Ханина наблюдалась высокая личностная (48%) и ситуативная (56%) тревожность. При проведении регрессионного анализа выраженность тревоги по шкале HADS прямо коррелировала с возрастом (r=0,44), индексом HAQ (r=0,69), активностью заболевания по DAS28 (r=0,53), длительностью заболевания (r=0,37), функциональным классом (r=0,38), а выраженность депрессии – с ИМТ (r=0,66) и возрастом (r=0,82) пациентов. Заключение. Комплексное изучение КЖ больных РА, в том числе при ассоциации с патологией системы дыхания, выявило существенные взаимосвязи показателей КЖ с основными клиническими характеристиками больных, выраженностью боли и степенью активности заболевания. Наличие ассоциированного поражения костно-мышечной, дыхательной систем и психоэмоциональной сферы формирует порочный круг взаимного отягощения и диктует необходимость комплексного обследования пациента с целью адекватной коррекции.
The research objective was to comparatively assess the QOL of RA patients and the correlation relationships of its manifestations with the severity of anxiety-depressive disorders in association with respiratory diseases.
Materials and methods. The study included 172 patients, 48 of them were diagnosed with RA (group I), 62 – association of RA and RD (group II), 60 were diagnosed with respiratory diseases (group III). RA was determined in accordance with the classification criterion ACR/EULAR (2010) for RA, with an average score of 8.43.11 on 4 positions. The groups are comparable in gender and age. The SF-36 Health Status Survey (SF-36) and HAQ questionnaires were used to assess the QOL of RA patients. The assessment of reactive and personal anxiety was conducted according to the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.
Results. In group II patients (RA+RD), all QOL indicators were statistically significantly lower than in comparison groups (p<0.001). The greatest changes occurred in physical health indicators (physical functioning (PF), role-physical functioning (RPF), pain (P), general health). Among the QOL indicators characterizing psychological health (V, social functioning (SF), role-emotional functioning (REF), mental health (MH)), REF and V were most reduced: by 52.3% and 36.1% respectively. When combined RA and RD, the level of clinically expressed anxiety was the highest (60.9%; pI-II=0.007; pII-III=0.03). Clinically expressed depression was diagnosed in 56.3% of group II patients (pI-II=0.021; pII-III=0.046); in group III patients, subclinical depression was statistically significantly more likely to be diagnosed (60%, pII-III=0.051). In the majority of RA patients according to the STAI, there was high personal (48%) and situational (56%) anxiety. In regression analysis, the severity of HADS anxiety was directly correlated with age (r=0.44), HAQ index (r=0.69), disease activity according to DAS28 (r=0.53), disease duration (r=0.37), functional class (r=0.38); depression severity was correlated with BMI (r=0.66) and age (r=0.82) of patients.
Conclusion. A comprehensive study of the QOL of RA patients, including association with respiratory system pathology, revealed significant interrelations of QOL indicators with the main clinical characteristics of patients, severity of pain, and the degree of disease activity. The presence of associated lesion of the musculoskeletal, respiratory systems and psychoemotional sphere forms a vicious circle of mutual pressure and dictates the need for a comprehensive examination of the patient for the sake of adequate correction.